wrapping Machine drawing and manual
Apologies for disturbing you through your vacation however we have a serious issue going forward in respect of information forwarded.
It was imperative we received English versions for the Mechanical & Electrical manuals which you assured us would be received prior to the machine arriving.
You will note from our clients comments below that information forwarded thus far will not suffice.
I am not totally clear where all these files are to be perfectly honest
I also don’t have an O & M manual for the equipment – unless it is part of the equipment delivery?
I have the coil eye Wrapping Machine user manual that was sent out before but I do not know if the controls etc. will be the same
I need a machine specific manual
Looking at the installation requirement file sent, there are 7 items – where are these?
The electrical drawings supplied, the first 5 do not have any drawing numbers , revisions, dates or company information on them so they could refer to anything.
The next sheets refer to drawing SC00479. Page numbering is all over the place – starting at page 11 and duplicates of page 13 ( 2off) and 14 (3 off).
There appears to be some logic in the content of the drawings but again no standard drawing mask or anything. Again no revision control, company information or dates.
This is really totally unacceptable as supplied drawings.
There is no mechanical drawings to work to, no levels information to confirm the sensitivity of the equipment to variations in floor levels, no tolerances to work to – absolutely nothing!
We will probably be able to build the wrapping equipment when we see it as it not very complex but all this should have been supplied months ago and any issues resolved during the equipment transit window.
Also requested information on airline connections and locations on the stretch wrap machine have not been supplied. We need this to ensure that the compressor people attending site bring the right fittings.
I need full documentation to be supplied electronically – dwg, word etc.
Your urgent attention and supporting documentation requested on numerous occasions is now required as a priority.